Help Needed: There are many opportunities to participate in our worship services. We are looking for volunteers to help with tech support, the slideshow, Scripture reading, music, coffee & refreshments and more! If this interests you, please connect with Pastor Krishna.

Church Directory: We are in the process of updating our current Living Hope Community Church Directory. If you are in the current Directory and need to change your information, or if you are a newcomer to Living Hope and would like to have your information recorded in the Directory, please complete the form at our tables.

Get Connected: Want to get connected? Need more information about our church? Looking for ways to serve? Contact Pastor Krishna at the information below:

Corps Officer/Pastor – Lt. Krishna McFarlane


Join Us for Coffee & Refreshments after the service In the Living Room

Ways to give:

  • Sunday Worship Offering
  • Pre-Authorized Payments (please contact office for details)
  • By mailing or dropping off at the church office